Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What is more important "effort" or "intelligence"

A nice article from BBC news section discussing the effectiveness of praising child's work without taking into account the effort put into the work.

I have long held a view that a person's hard work is more rewarding that simply relaying on ones intelligence and a minimum amount of work. I've seen this through my education that many bright kids dropped out of the system simply because they did not put enough effort into their studies.

To be able to work hard a person needs to have something driving him/her forward. Some people will be looking for work that they love and enjoy. Others will be driven by money, power, fame etc. In the case of children it is important that the parents drive them forward not only by rewording them for good work but also with clear explanation why the child needs to work hard. What will be benefits during their school years and beyond into adulthood.

For some years now I have held a view that a person of average intelligence who is willing to work hard can achieve more that a person with high intelligence and minimal effort.

However I need to explain what I mean by "work". A person needs to do dedicated and focused work, work which is organised and well planned. Doing some "choppy work" (a bit today, then a bit next week and so on) will not get you far.

I also feel as my duty to pass my knowledge (bit by bit) onto my children rather than let them learn all things for them selves ("Reinventing the wheel").