Thursday, February 18, 2010

Security makes money

Here is a new (well it has been around since early 2000) device that can detect ANYTHING!!! Drugs, explosives, " mushrooms :-)".

This guy conned a large number of governments around the world by selling a peace of plastic with an antenna which, allegedly, detect any type of chemical in the air. It is used in Iraq, Taiwan, Mexico on airports, road check points etc. And the device only sells at £30,000 each.

So how to make money
1. Find out what are people (governments) scared of / how they can improve the SECURITY;
2. Think of an ideal solution that everyone would want (it doesn't have to work);
3. Package it nicely (after all it is the packaging that sells).
4. And do not forget, cheap stuff never sells. Set some crazy price.
5. Additionally make sure that only you can supply spare parts and do maintenance.
6. Offer Old for New discounts. That way no one will ever see what is inside your fab device. Who's going to dismantle a £30,000 gadget just to peak inside.

Read the original article on BBC.

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